Satyam Tiwari

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Lekhny composition -31-Jul-2022

It was a new moon day without moon as darkness hasn't opened its gate. 

The girl went to neighborhood to see fireworks play. 
Not knowing rain about to come and lighting become dumb, air keeping it at bay 
Don't go in the dark said her mom , fireworks welcomed lighters and she was late 
A silence peeked but no one saw , a storm came without notice and brought pain 

Rain came without knocking, no one able to blink and thunder came wearing silent shoes 
Darkness became still and girl become like fire crackers 
She couldn't see what happened at all 
But she could feel, her soul going in coma and her heart became zombie 
She could feel the cold touch on her skin and she couldn't feel the rain 
Everything went numb 

Her eyes went dark and dampen by the touch of other human 
She cried but voice couldn't come out and silence only heard it 
It was dark but moon saw her getting painted in red by human wolf 
Her body was not injured but her soul and youth were full of Injuries 


Niraj Pandey

01-Aug-2022 03:55 PM

